Dr. Hansen's Communications
February 6: Global Warming Acceleration and Recovery
December 9: Climate Change at the International Court of Justice
June 27: The World Will Cool Off - A Bit - And Other Good News!
May 30: Sophie's Planet and Terminations
May 16: Comments on Global Warming Acceleration, Sulfur Emissions, Observations
January 12: Global Warming Acceleration: Causes and Consequences
January 4: Groundhog Day. Another Gobsmackingly Bananas Month. What's Up?
December 28: Good News for Young People About a Climate Change and a Thank you
December 14: Global Warming Acceleration: El Nino Measuring Stick Looks Good
December 7: "A Miracle Will Occur" Is Not Sensible Climate Policy
November 10: How We Know that Global Warming is Accelerating and that the Goal of the Paris Agreement is Dead
October 27: To Understand and Protect the Home Planet
October 13: El Nino Fizzles. Planet Earth Sizzles. Why?
September 14: Global Warming is Accelerating. Why? Will We Fly Blind?
August 14: Uh-Oh. Now What? Are We Acquiring the Data to Understand the Situation?
July 21: Peer & Public Review of “Global Warming in the Pipeline”
May 19: Global Warming in the Pipeline
- January 12: Global Temperature in 2022
December 22: Earth's Energy Imbalance and Climate Response Time
December 13: “Global Warming in the Pipeline” on arXiv
September 22: August Temperature Update, a "Thank you" and Biden's Report Card
August 8: President Biden’s Legacy
June 17: May Temperature Update: Carbon Dioxide Is a Pollutant. Please Help Establish That Fact.
May 16: April Temperature Update: Hotter Hotspots, Drier Dryspots, Wetter Wetspots, and Stronger Storms
February 14: January Temperature Update: The New Horse Race
- January 13: Global Temperature in 2021
December 23: November Temperature Update and the Big Climate Short
December 15: “Don’t Look Up,” the American Dream, and An Appeal
December 3: A Realistic Path to a Bright Future
November 18: October Temperature Update & Berlin Rally
October 26: President Biden’s Silk Purse: Young People Will Sit in Judgment
October 14: September Temperature Update & COP 26
September 14: August Temperature Update & Gas Bag Season Approaches
August 13: July 2021 Temperature Update: Faustian Payment Comes Due
July 13: June 2021 Temperature Update
July 2: Uncensored Science
June 14: May 2021 Global Temperature Update
June 11: Silent Forests
April 13: March 2021 Global Temperature Update
March 16: Activists*
March 12: February 2021 Global Temperature Update
March 4: Sophie's Planet #36: Chapter 47 (China and the Global Solution)
March 1: Sentinel for the Insect World
February 5: Dear Prime Minister: The Science
February 4: Dear Prime Minister
January 25: Sophie's Planet #35: Chapter 46 (Equal Protection of the Laws)
January 14: Global Temperature in 2020
- January 13: Sophie's Planet #34: Chapter 45 (Energy and World Peace)
December 30: Sophie's Planet #33: Chapter 44 (Tell the President the Whole Truth)
December 23: Sophie's Planet #32: Chapter 43 (Energy for the World)
December 16: Twittering
December 14: Global Warming Acceleration
December 11: Sophie's Planet #31: Chapter 42 (Carbon Emissions)
December 4: Fire on Planet Earth: 2020
December 2: Sophie's Planet #30: Chapter 40 (Target CO2) & 41 (Bjerknes Lecture)
November 24: Sophie's Planet #29: Chapter 38 (Tipping Point) & 39 (Freshwater Experiment)
November 12: Sophie's Planet #28: Chapters 36 (Communicating is Hard) & 37 (A Second Chance)
November 6: Sophie's Planet #27: Chapters 34 (Research Education) & 35 (Dangerous Interference)
October 30: Sophie's Planet #26: Preface
October 16: Sophie's Planet #25: Chapter 33 (Climsat: A Proposal)
October 14 Accelerated Global Warming
October 12: Montana Coal Case: Judicial Pillar & Montana Coal
September 28: Sophie's Planet #24: Chapter 32 (Battlestar Galactica)
September 24: Social and Environmental Justice
September 16: Sophie's Planet #23: Chapter 31 (Aerosols)
September 7: Sentinel for the Home Planet: Paper by von Schuckmann et al.
August 31: Sophie's Planet #22: Chapter 30 (How Well Did Our 1988 Model Do?)
August 24: Sophie's Planet #21: Chapter 29 (1989: The Whitehouse Effect)
August 18: Sophie's Planet #20: Revised Chapter 25 (Paleoclimate & "Slow" Feedbacks)
August 12: Sophie's Planet #19: Chapter 27 & 28 (1987 & 1988 Testimonies to Congress)
August 11: Why Are You Optimistic?: Such young people are the reason
August 4: Sophie's Planet #18: Chapter 26 (1986: Greenhouse Testimony to Congress)
July 28: Sophie's Planet #17: Chapter 25 (Paleoclimate and "Slow" Feedbacks)
July 17: Rock Stories: Every Rock Has a Story
July 16: Sophie's Planet #16: Chapter 24 (Deep Water and Two Angels)
July 8: Weathering Heights: Speeding up CO2 drawdown
July 7: Sophie's Planet #15: Chapter 23 (Global Habitability and Exxon)
July 6: Hunky Dory: Cover Note for Shifting Bell Curves Updated (See below)
July 6: Shifting Bell Curves Updated: Regional Climate Change and National Responsibilities
June 30: Sophie's Planet #14: Congress and Elephants
June 24: Sophie's Planet #13: Coming Down To Earth (Chapters 19 & 20)
June 18: Sophie’s Planet #12: Preface - Ch. 18; Eunice Foote, Bert Bolin, Ozone & the Greenhouse
June 16: Sophie's Planet #11: Chapters 17 & 18 (Charney’s Puzzle; Original Sin & The IG)
June 9: Sophie's Planet #10: Chapters 15 & 16 (Greenhouse Giants & Farmers’ Forecast)
June 2: Sophie's Planet #9: Chapters 13 & 14 (Climate Eruption & The First Team)
May 26: Sophie's Planet #8: Chapters 11 & 12 (Weather Prediction & Ozone)
May 19: Sophie's Planet #7: Chapter 10 (Runaway Greenhouse)
April 27: Monarch Report 2020
April 14: Bending the Curves
February 3: Climate Models vs. Real World
January 24: No Time for Despair
January 15: Global Temperature in 2019
December 26: Wheels of Justice
December 19: It's a Wonderful Life
December 11: Fire on Planet Earth
December 4: Carbon Reality
October 9: Pipelines!
September 4: Canada, Again!
July 12: Oh, Germany!
July 10: Oh, Canada!
June 27: Saving Earth
February 6: Global Temperature in 2018 and Beyond
January 31: Monarch 2018
December 18: Climate Change in a Nutshell: The Gathering Storm
November 28: Two Gentlemen
October 25: American Geophysical Union + Chinese Academy of Sciences
October 18: From Xi’an with Love
October 15: Global Warming Acceleration Plus Miscellaneous
October 3: Taiwan Charts: CO2 Control Knob
September 17: Global Warming and East Coast Hurricanes
September 4: A Monarch Resurgence??
August 17: Cost of Carbon Capture: Can Young People Bear the Burden?: reprint of article in Joule
August 15: Hot Spots and Acceleration on Global Warming
June 27: Thirty Years Later, What Needs to Change in Our Approach to Climate Change | Opinion on Boston Globe
June 11: Get Out of Jail Free Card
March 16: Youth & Colombia Forests
March 8: Some Basis for Optimism
February 21: Rock Dust in Farming Redux
February 19: Rock Dust in Farming: New paper in Nature Plants
February 6: North Dakota Sentence
January 18: Global Temperature in 2017
December 15: Year-End Statement and Solutions
November 19: Scientific Reticence: A Threat to Humanity and Nature. Jim Hansen/Pam Pearson/Philip Duffy press conference at COP-23 in Bonn, Germany on 10 November.
November 17: Nuclear Power? Are Renewables Enough? Michael Shellenberger/Jim Hansen press conference at COP-23 in Bonn, Germany on 8 November.
November 13: Making the Carbon Majors Pay for Climate Action: Jim Hansen/Dan Galpern press conference held on 7 November; direct link to video.
November 9: Young People's Burden: Sophie Kivlehan/Jim Hansen press conference held on 06 November; direct link to video.
November 7: Global Climate Justice: Making the Carbon Majors Pay for Climate Action.
November 6: Young People's Burden: Averting Climate Disaster, presentation in Bonn, Germany, at COP-23.
October 26: Scientific Reticence: a DRAFT Discussion
October 11: North Dakota Conviction
October 6: How does it feel?
August 30: Democracy Now Interview: Human Contribution to Hurricane Harvey Disaster.
August 14: OK, US government -- see you in court Boston Globe op-ed by Hansen and Kivlehan.
July 18: "Burden" paper published.
June 30: Sophie's Op-Ed in the Morning Call.
March 29: Sophie Sez #3: $1,000 for you - and a better world for your children. (Transcript)
March 2: Sophie Sez #2: Obama Missed A Golden Opportunity - but We Can Still Win! (Transcript)
February 15: Sophie Sez #1: You loaded 16 tons, what do you get? (Transcript)
February 9: Press Conference: The Conservative Case for Carbon Dividends
February 8: Fee and Dividend: Saving Young People's Future
January 27: Peaceful Revolutionary Party
January 24: Clarification
January 24: No Interviews
January 18: Global Temperature in 2016
January 11: Rolling Stones
December 15: Holiday Tale
December 9: Transcript of We Hold Truths to be Self-Evident
December 2: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident: Addressing the Climate Crisis and Opportunity
November 11: Emphatic Ruling: Constitutional Basis for Case Against the U.S. Government
October 31: Climate Change Call to Action
October 28: Carbon Pricing: A Useful Cautionary Tale
October 26: Washington Can Lead:Unwashed Version
October 19: Dear Prime Minister Solberg: Letter to Norway
October 4: Young People's Burden: Discussion of paper, its implications and relevance`
September 26: A Better Graph: Global Warming Since Pre-Industrial Time
August 17: Advanced Nuclear Power: article in Science magazine
June 27: Open Mind Interview
May 19: Spurring State Action: Massachusetts & New Jersey
May 16: Canadian Common Sense: Petition #e297.
May 2: Remarks at Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Meeting: Suggestion for Mr. Buffett. .
April 27: Mr. Buffett's Ark: An Open Letter.
April 15: Hypocrites Unite: AGU and ExxonMobil.
April 14: American Presidential Choices: An Opinion Based on Climate Science.
April 8: Historic Victory in Court.
March 23: Dangerous Scientific Reticence: A discussion.
March 22: Abbreviation of "Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms" with link to full paper.
March 22: Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms: The Threat of Irreparable Harm (a video)
March 9: Our Children's Right to a Viable Future: Op-Ed for Boston Globe
March 1: Regional Climate Change and National Responsibilities, link to published paper
February 29: Uplifting Homework: The Constitutional Case for Kids and Future Generations
February 23: I Am an Energy Voter
January 20: Global Temperature in 2015
December 29: Wanning Workshop + Beijing Charts + Year-End Comments
November 27: Isolation of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Part I
November 10: Carbon Fee & Dividend
October 12: Revised version of September 21 "Predictions"
September 21: Predictions Implicit in "Ice Melt" Paper and Global Implications
August 28: Pennsylvania 5, Iowa 4:Caterpillar Report
August 24: Global Temperature Update
August 14: Boulders and Superstorms Redux
August 12: Youth versus Obama: Dr. Hansen's Testimony Against the Government.
August 4: Boulders in the Bahamas
July 27: Ice Sheet 200-900 Year Time Scale
July 15: Bridging the Geezer-Young Person Gap
June 27: On the Legal Front
June 15: Nonpartisan and Bipartisan
May 18: A Magical Moment
May 5: Two Degrees of Danger
March 31: Global Warming Hole
January 16: Global Temperature in 2014 and 2015.
January 12: Golden Opportunity.
December 23: Assuring Real Progress on Climate.
November 18: Earning Our Children's Trust.
October 20: Rain-Making and Benefunder.
October 12: Iowa Roots: Speaking Truth to Power, published in Des Moines Register.
October 4: Government's Duty.
September 20: Speaking Truth to Power- and to Friends.
September 16: Butterflies and Flamingos.
September 9: Larry Gibson and the Lobster Boat.
August 29: The People's March: Climate March in New York City on 21 September.
August 20: The Energy to Fight Injustice: Opinion piece published in Chemistry World
August 14: Jeremiah's Progeny: Our Dilemma.
July 29: Facing Facebook: Australia's Cap-and-Tax: General response to comments on 24 July post.
July 24: Cap-and-Tax versus Fee-and-Dividend: How can we communicate more clearly?
July 17: Monarchs Return? First sighting of 2014. Uncertain prospects for recovery.
July 2: The Wheels of Justice: Legal actions, multi-front strategy, young people & the end-game.
June 19: Too Little, Too Late? O ops?: The status of climate action.
April 29: Young People's Day in Court: Part II: A change of plans & what young people must ask.
April 24: Energy and Climate: Oral testimony to U.S. Senate and Response to Senator Menendez' questions.
April 14: Young People's Day in Court: An historic case will be held is the U.S. Court of Appeals on May 2.
April 1: Children and Adults on Climate Policy: Evidence that They "Get It": Opportunity to Change the Course of History.
March 17: Climate and Energy: Fundame ntal Facts, Responsibilities and Opportunities: Testimony to U.S. Senate.
March 10: Sleepless in Ningbo: note concerning following draft op-ed.
March 10: World's Greatest Crime against Humanity and Nature: draft op-ed.
Feb. 27: Beijing Charts: Charts shown at Symposium on a New Type of Major Power Relationship, organized by the Counsellors' Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States.
Feb. 21: Renewable Energy, Nuclear Power, and Galileo: Draft Opinion Piece, Criticisms Welcome.
Feb. 18: Jim Hansen on Facebook: comments on new program at Columbia University.
Jan. 31: Quest of a Broken-Wing Butterfly: letter to a grand child.
Jan. 21: Global Temperature Update Through 2013: A Discussion.
Jan. 14: Engineering and Science Experts Needed: to support "necessity defense" of young people.
Dec. 3: "Assessing "Dangerous Climate Change": summary and commentary on new paper.
Oct. 21: David vs Goliath: on unconventional fossil fuels and Citizens Climate Lobby.
Sep. 26: Climate Sensitivity, Sea Level and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Discussion of paper in Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
Sep. 13: Tar Sands and Dirty Tricks: Discussion of New Yorker article on Tom Steyer and KXL pipeline.
Sep. 13: Europe Standing Tall Against a Rogue State: Discussion of European trip re tar sands.
May 29: The American Party: the need for a centrist 3rd party.
May 9: Norway, Canada, United States and Tar Sands: A commentary.
April 15: Exaggeration, Jumping the Gun, and Venus Syndrome: Essay on climate science communication.
April 4: Pipeline to Disaster & Climate Maverick: LA Times opinion piece & NY Times article.
March 29: Doubling Down on Our Faustian Bargain. Essay on the missing climate data.
Feb. 19: A Fork in the Road. A response to Joe Nocera column in the New York Times.
Jan. 15: Remarks at the White House. A message of encouragement for the President.
Jan. 15: Global Temperature Update Through 2012. Discussion of latest data.
Jan. 7: Galileo and the Fireflies. What's happening in the Netherlands.
Dec. 26: Update of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss. Discussion of how the loss rate is changing.
Dec. 13: Storms of My Grandchildren's Opa. Essay on pathways to the future.
Nov. 1: Butterfly Report + Jeremiah, the Frog. Letter to my oldest grandchild.
Oct. 23: Charts (PDF) presented at an "on-the-record" meeting with Grover Norquist and response to assertions by Michaels.
Sep. 24: "A New Age of Risk" presented Sep. 22 at Columbia University. Slides available as PDF or PPT.
Sep. 24: "A New Age of Risk" presentation at Columbia University on Sep. 22. Slides available as PDF (2.1 MB) PPT (2.5 MB).
Aug. 11: Increasing Climate Extremes and "The New Climate Dice". New quantitative results and discussion.
Aug. 3: "New Climate Dice" paper to be published under another name.
May 9: Our Government and the Case for Young People: Hearing in the DC District Court and its science rationale.
May 8: Climate Sensitivity from Earth's History: Draft paper, criticisms welcome. Popular summary to be prepared.
Apr. 30: Coal Trains and Warren Buffett Request: Letter to Warren Buffett.
Apr. 18: Request from Norway and Response: Follow-up to yesterday's post about Norwegian grandparents.
Apr. 17: Grandparents Against Tar Sands: Comments about the demand of Norwegian grandparents that Statoil withdraw support of tar sands development.
Apr. 5: "New Climate Dice" paper posted on arXiv (PDF). Comments about the paper and enlarged version of the principal figure also available.
Mar. 30: Letter to President of Slovenian National Assembly and its attachment ("Case for Young People and Nature").
Mar. 8, 2012: TED talk given Feb. 29 at Long Beach, Cal., is available on YouTube and the TED website. Retouched version of slides available as PDF and PPTX, both 6 MB.
Jan. 31: Earth's Energy Imbalance: Press release, popular science summary, and PDF of paper.
Jan. 30: Cowards in Our Democracies, Part 2: How "think tanks" help "work" our democracies for the benefit of the few.
Jan. 27: Cowards in Our Democracies, Part 1: Discussion regarding Witness Statement to a UK Information Rights Tribunal.
Jan. 19: Global Temperature in 2011, Trends, and Prospects: Update of GISS temperature analysis and discussion.
Jan. 5: Perceptions of Climate Change: The New Climate Dice: Effect of global warming on climate extremes, draft paper.
Nov. 10: Climate Variability and Climate Change: The New Climate Dice: Data on the increasing frequency of extreme events.
Sep. 28: It's a Hard-Knock Butterfly's Life: On a lady butterfly and the intelligent species.
Sep. 2: White House and Tar Sands: Discussion and remarks at the White House and National Press Club on Aug. 29.
Aug. 26: Earth's Energy Imbalance and Implications: Revised paper, criticisms welcome.
July 29: Baby Lauren and the Kool Aid: Discussion of renewable energies.
July 20: Paleoclimate Paper and Science Brief: Final version of paper for Milankovitch volume and popular science summary.
July 8: Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change: Revised paper for Milankovitch volume.
June 3: Silence is Deadly: An appeal to get involved in decisions regarding tar sands.
June 1: Dear Prime Minister Key: The Heart of the Matter: Reflections on a trip to New Zealand.
May 16: What's Dangerous, Earth's Imbalance, and the Case for Young People: Brief follow-up to previous posting.
May 5: The Case for Young People and Nature: A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future: Science basis describing what is required for governments to fulfill their obligations to young people and future generations.
Apr. 18: Earth's Energy Imbalance and Implications: Draft paper, criticisms welcome. Note: Updated version posted on arXiv.org on May 5.
Mar. 27: Perceptions of Climate Change: Can people recognize changing climate?
Jan. 26: Singing in the Rain: Why we need Raffi, and more.
Jan. 18: Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change: Draft paper for Milankovic volume.
Dec. 21: A Conversation with Bill McKibben: New section included in paperback edition of Storms of My Grandchildren.
Dec. 11: Global Temperature and Europe's Frigid Air: Current GISS global temperature analysis.
Nov. 24: China and the Barbarians: Part 1, an optimistic perspective concerning the path required to stabilize climate.
Nov. 22: The Price of Change, an op-ed on the potential of Chinese leadership to save the planet.
Nov. 8: Blue Planet acceptance address and public lecture (PDF including text or Powerpoint charts).
Oct. 22: Coal River Mountain Redux. An appeal for support of actions to stop mountaintop removal.
Oct. 13: Conservative Principles and the 350 Work Party, suggestion to move Washington in the right direction. See also Million Letter March video clip on YouTube.
Oct. 1: How Warm Was This Summer? Discussion of recent global temperatures and near-term projections.
Sep. 29: Equal Protection of the Laws. Remarks at Freedom Plaza before the Appalachia Rising march to the White House on September 27.
Aug. 25: Independence Day on Kayford Mountain (Larry Gibson, Ken Hechler, Lorelei Scarbro) led to "Activist", a short piece for J. Henry Fair's upcoming book.
Aug. 13: What Global Warming Looks Like, discusses current global temperature anomalies in July 2010. See also summary and full paper accepted for publication in Reviews of Geophysics.
July 30: Experience in Norway, including a letter to the Prime Minister, the government response, Sophie Prize remarks, and chance encounter with a war hero
June 1: Revised draft of "Global Surface Temperature Change" paper, a summary discussion of the paper, and two PowerPoint posters of key figures.
May 18: Copies of charts used in presentation at the French National Assembly were added to the presentations, in PDF and PowerPoint.
Apr. 25: Earth Day on the Mall and People's Climate Stewardship Act. Remarks on Earth Day and a proposed Fee-and-Dividend bill
Apr. 5: Obama's Second Chance on the Predominant Moral Issue of this Century. Op-ed available at Huffington Post or here as PDF.
Mar. 25: Clarification re Civil Resistance. Explanation of a short quotation.
Mar. 19: Current GISS Global Surface Temperature Analysis. First draft of a new journal article has been posted on GISS website.
Jan. 26: If It's That Warm, How Come It's So Darned Cold? Revised essay on recent cold temperature anomalies.
Jan. 15: If It's That Warm, How Come It's So Damned Cold? Essay on recent cold temperature anomalies.
Jan. 12: The People vs. Carbon Traders: Essay on cap-and-trade vs. fee-and-dividend, in connection with protest at Carbon Trading Summit.
Dec. 16: The Temperature of Science: Discussion of global temperature change and more.
Dec. 11: Survival of Tibetan Glaciers: New paper on black soot and Himalayan glaciers is available on PNAS website. A discussion of it is has been posted among the NASA GISS science briefs. A NASA news release is expected on Monday, Dec. 14.
Dec. 7: Sack Goldman Sachs Cap-and-Trade: Salty, verbose rant used to spawn sanitized op-ed on cap-and-trade for New York Times. Also, Storms of My Grandchildren published.
Nov. 30: Never-Give-Up Fighting Spirit: Lessons from a grandchild, plus opinion piece "Any Hope of Cutting Global Carbon Emissions?" in The Observer.
Nov. 6: I Just had a Baby, at Age 68 (two-page update), plus Global Warming Time Bomb presentation at Club of Rome assembly.
July 13: Strategies & Sundance Kid: Discussion of policy implications of climate science.
June 25: Coal River Mountain: Declaration and statements regarding civil disobedience in West Virginia.
May 5: Temple of Doom: Letter to the Australian government, preceded by 2-page commentary on cap-and-trade.
Apr. 24: Australia, the United States, and Global Warming, Draft of a letter to the Australian government.
Mar. 29: An Unfortunate Quote, About a too quick reply to a New York Time question about Freeman Dyson.
Mar. 24: Air Pollution Climate Forcings, Talk at Climate Change Congress in Copenhagen on Mar 11. Also available as PowerPoint.
Feb. 26: Carbon Tax & 100% Dividend vs. Tax & Trade, Testimony to House Ways & Means Committee
Feb. 15: The Sword of Damocles, op-ed submitted to The Observer
Jan. 13 2009: 2008 Global Temperature Analysis (see NASA GISS website for higher quality figures)
Dec. 29: Dear Michelle and Barack, with revised Tell Barack Obama the Truth — the Whole Truth.
Dec. 20: Copies of slides for the Bjerknes Lecture at San Francisco AGU meeting are available in PDF (2 MB) and PowerPoint (23 MB).
Nov. 14: More about "Target CO2" and a Letter to Switzerland
Oct. 30: "Target CO2" Publication, "Obstruction" Clarification, and a letter to Governor Paterson of New York
Oct. 23: Obstruction of Justice
Sep. 10: In Defence of Kingsnorth Six: Testimony for criminal trial in Kent, United Kingdom
Aug. 4: Trip Report: Reactions in Germany, UK and Japan, and implications for post-Kyoto climate agreements; 4th generation (fast reactor) nuclear power; boron- and hydrogen-powered cars; sun & climate
July 3: Dear Prime Minister Fukuda: A letter to leader of Japan before the G8 meeting
June 23: Global Warming — Tipping Points: Today's presentation at the National Press Club, and briefing to the House Select Committee on Energy Independence & Global Warming. Related slides are available in PDF (3 MB) or PowerPoint (7 MB).
June 3: PACON Presentation
May 29: Dear Governor Greenwash: Governors' actions fall short
May 29: Letters to Governors Kaine and Pawlenty: Includes Kaine's response
Apr. 14: Governor Gibbons and Three Coal Plants: A conversation with the Nevada governor
Apr. 1: Dear Prime Minister Rudd: A Letter to the Australian Prime Minister, and his June 5 reply
Mar. 31: Mr. Rogers and Darth Vader: A Letter to the Duke Energy CEO
Mar. 3: Cold Weather
Jan. 25: Shadow on American Democracy: A discussion on censoring science
Jan. 22: Dear Chancellor, Perspective of a Younger Generation: A letter to Dr. Merkel.
Jan. 14: Solar and Southern Oscillations: GISS 2007 Temperature Analysis
Jan. 2: The wrong choice for Massachusetts. Op-ed published in The Boston Globe, Jan. 2, 2008. (Download as PDF)
Dec. 19: Dear Prime Minister
Dec. 10: Global Temperature 2007 (11 Months)
Nov. 28: Averting Our Eyes
Nov. 21: Coal Mining: President and CEO. A letter from and a reply to a coal power advocate.
Nov. 14: The "Peak Oil" paper (see Sep. 7 posting) has been revised and submitted to Global Biogeochemical Cycles. (Note: The paper was accepted in March 2008.)
Nov. 5: Testimony submitted last week regarding the coal-fired power plant in Iowa is available here (1.7 MB PDF).
Sep. 27: Lawlessness
Sep. 7: "Peak Oil" Paper Revised and Temperature Analysis Code
Aug. 10: A Light On Upstairs?
Aug. 2: Declaration of Stewardship
July 30: Sea Level Rise, Green Greenland & Fantabulous Inference
July 23: Super Models, Old King Coal II, & Civil Disobedience
Nov. 3: Global Temperatures in 2005. Comments regarding a recent Washington Post article.
Sep. 27: Michael Crichton's "Scientific Method". Comments regarding a recently published novel.